Set within the rich and diverse fantasy world of the animated series, players can bring their own Xadian characters and stories to life around the game table where they can forge alliances, uncover secrets, engage in mighty battles, and protect those they love from peril and prophecy. Players accomplish feats of might, mind, or magic that impact the story by rolling different types of dice depending on level of expertise with specific traits. Players can play as elves connected to the primal sources of magic or as a member of the Human Kingdoms, customize their traits and special abilities, define values that motivate their characters, and track everything with innovative and intuitive digital support during play.
Created by Aaron Ehasz (head writer & Co-Executive Producer of Avatar: The Last Airbender and former League of Legends creative director) and Justin Richmond (game director of Uncharted 3), The Dragon Prince premiered globally on Netflix in September 2018 and immediately topped popularity lists across Rotten Tomatoes, Fandom, and Tumblr. It was quickly renewed for second and third seasons, which premiered in February 2019 and November 2019 respectively. Netflix recently renewed the series for four additional seasons. With this multi-season renewal, Netflix committed to fully realize the creators’ vision for the seven-season Saga. The Dragon Prince won the 2020 Emmy® Award for Outstanding Children’s Animated Series and has been a top-ten digital original for all of its season runs. Forbes named it one of the best fantasy shows on TV and all three seasons have a 100% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Shared in 190+ countries and 22 languages, The Dragon Prince is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing franchises in family entertainment. The Dragon Prince already boasts a growing consumer products program including a New York Times best-selling Scholastic publishing program, a Dark Horse art book, and Hot Topic apparel, along with a highly-anticipated video game produced by Wonderstorm and the same creators behind the hit animated series.
New partners and publishers interested in playing within the world of The Dragon Prince should contact Joe LeFavi at Genuine for more info.
See the official IGN announcement for the full saga commitment here, then follow Wonderstorm and The Dragon Prince to join in the fun.